Monday, September 10, 2012

Whoo, it was quite a week indeed. On monday, i dont know if i told you, but i went to Burger King and then went to a type of walmart place nearby and they had some cheap shirts that i bought for my morning exercises, one is flourescent yellow. be proud. Then nothing much happen last monday. I went and i bough some souvenir stuff for the fam of some cultural paraguayan stuff. Then nothing much happened.

Then on tuesday we had a zone meeting, instead of a district meeting, so i didnt have to teach, but now that i remember i had to teach a little bit anyway. We talked about a good many things, one of the which is what motivated us to come out on the mission, and what now motivates us to keep working. It was an open discussion within the zone, and ended up being more of a testimony meeting but it was good nonethe less and helped me to analyze and thing of what makes me tic. We then went out to work with a youth from the ward, and he showed us some more of the members and recent converts that we had yet to meet.

Wednesday, the zone leaders came to be with me, and some other elders in the district, and we left in trios to go work. Being in a trio absolutely screws a lot of things up but we got through it alright. nothing special.

Thursday, nothing special either but a good working day. My comp was really tired and said he would be sore the next day. I told him not to worry about it, but then....

Friday morning, my comp couldnt get out of bed and was having some strong back pain so he called the Mission Mom, and she called a doctor who is from the states and doesnt really speak spanish, but he managed to figure stuff out. Its was basically strained muscles, and pain killers would be the solution for the next couple of days. So we didnt work on friday, and on saturday not really either, but we did do a service project.

Then Sunday, was interesting....I dont really get along with the Bishop of the ward, just a difference in personalities i suppose, and when he doesnt agree he get mad and all up in your face. I asked him to print me off a list of members for reference and he didnt think it was expedient that we should have one and was all up in my face, but you know me i dont back down. Reminded me of the time Mr clark yelled and me and i yelled back. There was no yelling though. I try to be patient, and thankfully i am, so no problems. The Mission President also came to our chapel yesterday, and we had a small interview concerning the district, asking about current situations and things like that, and thankfully things are improving, but as always there is a long way to go. But yeah the week has been an improvement from last week, and hopefully things will keep improving.

Today we went to a cultural/city expo which is like the freedom fair in provo, whith booths and people selling stuff, and i bought some recuerdos. cool stuff. We are probably going to go back again because its close, and i want to see if there is anything else that i want to buy.

Anyway, i love you guys and i hope that you all have a good week!

Elder TreviƱo

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