Monday, September 10, 2012

Week of August 27

Yeah i figured that things were getting more into the grind now with school and work starting. Things here are getting interesting as the changes are going to happen on wednesday, and we will find out tonight what is going to happen. Im thinking that i am going to stay here, but at the same time im not really sure as anything could happen.

On Tuesday we had Sone conference which went really well. President Madariaga talked about the difference between, doing, being, and becoming, and it was very good and applicable in many areas, not just in missionary work. The Hna Madariaga talked about the many opportunities that come form the mission and many of the blessings as well.

Me and my comp have been working hard these past couple of weeks to try and help our older investigators progress, but some circumstances outside of our control has lead us to dropping them, and trying another time, so we have been finding some newer investigators, which has been difficult but the ones we have found seem to be able to progress.

Our work was a little limited this week though as my comp shouldnt have been walking around after having got his wisdom teeth out but we worked when we could. This morning we are back in asunciĆ³n because he got the stitches out. so we are thinking about going to Pizza hut, but we will see what time and money permits, as it is the end of the month and money is low.

Im happy that you found cinders again, i love that cat. Its possible that she is not eating becasue she might have a bug or something, so you might want to take her to the vet.

It got really cold this past weekend, as a big cold front came in, but things should be heating up now as we move back into spring. It will get very hot. like 105+ adding the humidity. fun stuff.

I was thinking, mom, about going to scholl the august i get back so that i keep myself busy, but the problem is that i have no idea what im going to do. I was thinking about retaking a lot of the classes that i got c´s in to raise my gpa, and help me to qualify for more scholarships in the future. So the spanish classes( which will be a breeze) some of the math classes, also the programming class, and whatever other one that i have a bad grade. It would be a full semester of just getting used to school again, and trying to figure out what i wasnt to so as far as work is concerned. I want to take a lot of those carrer interst tests that suggest what work field would be could based on interests and all those things, cause i really dont know what im going to do. Air Traffic Control still seems like a realy good option, plus i thinking doing ROTC with it would have its benefits, even though it would suck in some other ways. But i am definitely going to work at my financial job when i get back while looking for some other small side jobs.

anyway enough of that. anyway, love you guys, have a good week and enjoy spencer´s baptism and the temple open house!

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