Monday, September 10, 2012

September 3rd-ish

Thanks for your emails everybody, and i will keep trying to send you some more beefy messages when possible.

So this week was very intersting. on monday we did the normal work thing. after pday. On Pday we hung out with my second companion Elder Cab from mexico, who was also comps with ELder macias the comp ive been with for the `past 3 weeks. We played some pingpong in the mission office, then we went to Pizza Hut. Not quite states quality but still really good after not have real pizza for the past year. Nothing else really happened, then we went off to work in the night. Then around 1015pm we got a phone call from the zone leaders informing us about changes....

And i got changed! Not really what i was expecting, and i wasnt too excited because i really like working in the last area, but its whatever the Lord wants. So i got transfered to an area called Juan de Salazar, which is just on the other side of the main city here, about 40 min away from my old area. so not too far way. My new comp is also from Mexico, but this time he is from Mexico City. His name is Elder Limón, and everyone makes fun of his name when he presents himself. its funny.

On tuesday, i went around and said goodbye to the members and recent converts here, which is always sad but is part of the work.

on wednesday i went to the office in the morning for changes. Nothing interesting happened, just normal routine of going and tlking with old friends saying goodbye to the old comp and getting with the new one, jumping in a sketchy taxi and going to the new area.

Now in my area, there were two dying elders(or to say they were ending their missions) and they were lazy and the house was a complete disaster. So i spent the entire firstday cleaning up the mess and reorganizing and all that stuff. The new area seems really great. THe ward is really well organized and many of the members are willing to work and help one another. really good to see. We rent a big room on the side of a bigger house complex, and the owner is a really good friend of the missionaries for the past 10 years and she owns a store with basic necesities, and we can go over whenver and buy stuff which is really nice and convenient. and she also has a GYM ROOM WITH WEIGHT AND EVERYTHING, so now im waking up like 30 min early so i can work out in the mornings. Ima get ripped. Ive already lost some weight. Im super excited to be able to lift again after lieka year and a half of not doing so. cool stuff.

on sunday we left on divisions with some young men on the ward who were helping us find some of the members ho we dont know, which was really nice and helpful as well. Im hoping to get some good work in with them.

Now for some not so good news. THe elders that are in my district, they literally live like 20 steps from my house, are pretty disobedient. which annoys me really bad, so now i have to babysit them, not really, but its difficult helping people who dont want to change either. so fun stuff, we will see how things go.

News on the street is that, Elder Bednar, or Elder Holland are going to be coming down to visit a couple of missions here in the south america south area in october or sometime around there. Kind of imtimidating seeing as how the mission is not doing so well as a whole. Its possible that i will have special meetings with them seeing as how im in a positions of lidership. So i need to make sure that im doing everything i can to help out, not just because they are coming, but because thats what the Lord expects of me.

I went to Burger King again today. super good. and i went and bought some souvenier stuff for the women of the family, and the next couple of week im going to buy stuff for the men of the family. Just so you know that im thinking about you guys.

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