Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Week of July 16

So this week was a really good week, and I hope I remember all that I wanted to tell you guys.

Monday, was my last pday with my local companion, and we played some good old futbol. Then at night we had another noche de hogar, and taught some of our investigators.

On Tuesday, i taught district meeting as normal, but afterwards we had lunch as a district, and we decided to make tacos. Everybody brought something. I of course did the refried beans ( they were super delicious and tasted exactly like how dad makes them, the cheese helps that out, but it cost a ton here) And some others brought the meat, some salsa, and tortillas, and soda. It was pretty chill and good as well. Then going out to work was pretty normal. My comp said goodbye and we just kept working like normal. The last visit of the night was with our recent converts, Carmen and her kids, and it was super funny, cause my comp was arguing with them and telling stories and all that good stuff in Guaraní, which is a hilarious sounding language.

On Wednesday, we woke up early and took a taxi to the mission office, where all the transfers took place, and finally I got a real companion. His name is Elder Sanderson, and he is from Saratoga Springs, Utah! My first comp from Utah too. so its interesting and we are able to relate about stories and stuff like that. Wednesday was a really boring working day, and we got a little bit lost on our area but it was fun igual (too).

On Thursday, we had a really really goood working day and we were able to get all of our goals and find some sweet new investigators to teach. We really felt that the Lord was preparing some of them as the situations in which we found them were super perfect. We will see how they progress.

Friday was also pretty good and we are helping one of our investigators plan a wedding and a baptism. Good stuff, we see how that turns out as well. We went with a member to go find a less active member and we had an interesting visit, as we had to explain to her that she is not doing a good thing by going to the Catholic church again. She didn't get mad, and she understood, but it was just kind of weird.

Saturday, was a really good day as well and once again we got our goals and found even more new investigators to teach. We found some other less active members as well so hopefully we will have some more people going to church in the near future.

Yesterday was tranquilo (calm), and today as well. We played some more futbol. I scored a couple of goals. so, I'm kinda a big deal. People know me.

Anyway so I'll answer some of the questions that mom had, I don't really want a room with crap all over it, just leave it brown and boring, and when I get back we will figure something out. But I like Moroni 10:32-33 and favorite hymns include, Jesus, Savior Pilot Me; You Can Make the Pathway Bright; and Abide with Me ´Tis Eventide.

You can refer Tyson to the blog if you want, I will try to see if I can come up with something. Tell Tori to keep her cool and enjoy the temple, that she won't understand that much at first, but it will come with time. And the talk by Elder Holland that you shared is one of my favorite talks from last conference.

Anyway, have a good week guys.

-Elder Treviño

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