Monday, September 12, 2011

August 12

no sé porque el subjeto del correo electronico es lo que es, pero.......
so i didnt really have pday today because we had an in field orientation, but i will have pday tomorrow.  i dont know if i will get to email tomorrow but i will see if i can.
I dont have any of the letters you sent me so i will try to answer the best that i can the questions that i remember and no tengo mucho tiempo, entonces este email podría ser corto, y no sé porque estoy escribiendo en español. 
I foundout some news about my flights.  my flight from brazil to paraguay only allows a 10lb carry on.  10 pounds.  solomente diez.  so that kinda sucks, so one of my suitcases is definitely going over.
Yo encontré matt griner finalmente, y rob dijo hola tambien.  Ambos estan bien y estan teniendo un tiempo bien.
i dont need anything else before i leave so i should be good.  If there is anything that i dont need i will send it with bro barker to you guys, but i will probably keep most of my stuff or give away the toys to others in my building or something.
gracias por todos, y si hay algunas cosas que aperecen, yo trato de informar uds.  adios, hasta nuestras conversación de el teléfono. 
élder antonio treviño

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