Saturday, June 18, 2011

First P-Day

Yo yo yo yoyo wahts up?  I dont have much timeso imgoing to to make it quick,but these keyboards suck bad.  I saw mike on thursday and that was sweet, wee talked for a bit and it was cool, he seems way more open and less awkward which was sweet. I also saw carey decker and some other people that i know, butim looking for others too.  Tell rob im looking for him The days have been horrendously long this past week, and every one says just to make it till sunday afternoon and it gets better.  The language learning is hard but im learning a lot.  Mi cumpanero is struggling though, and miost of the rest of the district sve for two others. who are cool.  My district leader is way awesome, he seems so intune with the spirit its nuts, and noneof us were suprised when he got the call.  Our district is part of a new pilot program for stuff so we get to do stome stuff a lot of others dont  which is cool. Like yesterday night we got to teach an "investigator"(really just some actor) and the SPOKE NO INGLES!!!!!! it sucked pretty bad.  But me and mi cumpanero were able to got through half of the first discussion.  Friday wasnt that bad but just stressful cuase we had to prepare for the lesson.   The food is good sometimes, but prerry bad some other times, kinda just depends on what it is, but you know me i will eat it anyway.  Im sitting in the laundry room writing this so its pretty hot and smelly.   I though i was going to have more to say but i dont really. Mycompanions name is Elder Naegle, said like ny E glee, so now you know.
Elder Antonio Treviño

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